Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Night!

I'm writing a blog entry come hell or high water!

Really since Friday nothing super exciting has happened. It was a quiet weekend of watching sports and relaxing, which is a good thing because I needed a quiet week.

I spent most of the weekend researching Iceland since I'm going there in a less than 2 weeks, which is pretty awesome! People have been asking, "why Iceland?" a fair amount lately so I figured I would explain a tiny bit. The gist of the story is going somewhere people haven't been before. Everybody out here has been to Hawaii or Alaska and I know tons of people who have been to Italy, or Paris, or London, et al. Nobody I really know has been to Iceland so that chance to go somewhere that hasn't been visited by a ton of my friends first is nice. It also helps the value of the currency has gone down by one half so it will be significantly cheaper to go now than it was this time last year.

I still haven't gotten rid of my old TV yet. I think I'm going to work from home one day in order to have it picked up by a recycling group as there is supposedly a ton of mercury in the old TV tubes. I'm not sure however.

As a side note: I've been watching The Wire and it an excellent show. I'm about 1/3 of the way through Season 4 (of 5) and it's riveting. Netflix it or something people it's worth the effort.

NPR is excellent. Listen to it as well.

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