Sunday, August 3, 2008

The best donuts are free

I found $25 laying in the street and I used my new found wealth to buy a paper and some donuts at Top Pot. On top of normally being excellent glazed deliciousness when they are on somebody else's dime they taste even better.

Saw Step Brothers over the weekend and it was pretty blah. There are some really funny parts and some not so funny parts but I'm thinking I might be worn out on Will Ferrell. He is going to have to start doing something else because this mildly annoying character he seems to play in every movie isn't doing it for me anymore. It was better than Semi-Pro to be sure but that's not saying much.

People coming in a few weeks should be exciting.

Drew - I've been mildly hooked before myself.


Drew said...

"Mildly hooked" as in with a fish hook? Would you like me to do an artistic recreation along the lines of what I did on my blog for you? BTW, there was nothing mild about this was a treble hook and two of them had gone all the way through, one in the cheek and one in the ear.

Jay ... said...

I think it's about time you change the name of the blog to "Beutler lives in Seattle" as you've certainly gone to Seattle, and now I'd say you "live" there.

- Lackey