Friday, January 25, 2008

Sunny Days in Seattle

I didn't want to write about it for fear of Jinxing it but the entire week has been very sunny in Seattle. I think the always rainy / cloudy thing about Seattle might be one of the greatest myths around today. It might be a little more gray or rainy than the Midwest but you'll get no complaints from me since we just had a cold snap of 27 degrees. I might have grown up in parts of the world with pretty extreme cold and I'm sure I could do it again but it would take some getting used to.

There has been a significant drop off in the amount of posts since the free wireless went away so I'm looking into options to have the internet again. This is sort of a pain without it. I'm debating getting a broadband card instead of a standard wireless router that way I can take the internet with me instead of being tethered to my apartment.

The Post Holiday party is this weekend at the EMP, which stands for Experience Music Project. It's sort of a combination of a museum or Rock and Roll history and an interactive exhibition center. Seattle had strong impacts on Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix, Curt Cobain, and various others so there is a fair amount of history plus there are 5 or 6 billionaires around to contribute money to the interactive part so it should be pretty fun. Free drinks and encouragement to dress up as "stormtroopers, Borg, or your favorite Battlestar Galactica character" should also add to the evenings ambiance. MU plays earlier in the day so it should be a fun day.

Monday means a flight to Kentucky. I like Louisville on Monday night so it should be a good time even if it is for work. The dry county part doesn't sound too exciting and I've been told there is a wide variety of bible study shows on public access cable so I'm excited by that prospect. I need to get up to speed on Job...

1 comment:

My3sons52 said...

Hey Tyrel, so how was Kentucky? I anxiously await your next post! (Oh, this is Jeanne from ND in case you don't recognize my Nickname.)