Here are some photo's from X-mas.
At Christmas Jessica and I decided to drive to Rainier and wander around a little bit since it was very nice and sunny.
On the way to Paradise Inn (the motel about 1/3 of the way up Rainier) we ran into the little Fox guy. He wasn't afraid of humans and seemed very comfortable getting his picture taken, possibly a little to friendly. I had to say "Get in the Car." very forcefully to Jessica, who had gotten out of the car for some of the photo ops.
Little Foxy might be friendly but he's still a wild animal who apparently doesn't fear humans could be a slightly dangerous little fellow.
Here are the rest of the Rainier photo's.
The ones at the end are Caramel Topping and Dough for Cinnamon rolls. Mmmmmmm.
I have more photo's to load and post from the Tofino trip but I've spent a long time getting those loaded. It's going to be a day or three before I get the rest loaded.
I actually have a lot to blog about some I'm going to try and post a few times this week. Things I'm aware of:
Great Urban Race.
Seattle in the Summer.
How awesome beer is, especially in growlers.
The upcoming drive to the Midwest.
How awesome wine is, especially in bottles?
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